How can we help you?

Philosophy Counseling and Consulting (PCC) offers training courses and workshops in dialogue facilitation, ethics consulting, and private philosophical counseling. Whether you’re looking for more inclusive and effective meetings, better classroom dialogue about today’s most important and controversial issues, or practical solutions for life’s puzzles, PCC can help.



Today more than ever, teachers and school administrators are seeing the benefits of dialogue and seeking to bring more of it to their schools and classrooms. Dialogue can be overwhelming and challenging, especially when talking about highly charged, controversial issues. We can equip you with the essential tools to succeed in classroom dialogue.


Have you ever participated in a poorly-facilitated meeting? If so, you understand the importance of good dialogue facilitation. Facilitating dialogue takes persistence and the right toolkit. If you bring the first, we’ll help you with the second.


Are you looking for a caring, supportive, and honest environment where you can reflect deeply on your values and explore the puzzles that have emerged in the context of your life? Would you like to identify errors in reasoning that are holding you back and replace them with antidotes drawn from the most pertinent parts of the philosophical canon? If so, we can help.